2022 Honey Bees

February 14, 2022

2022 Honey Bees

Live Bees 2022

The new beekeeping season is just around the corner, and we can't wait for the sounds of buzzing bees and sights of flowers blooming. Depending on what you’re beekeeping plans are for 2022, here are our live bees that will suit your every need.

Package Bees
If you’re a new beekeeper starting out or looking to expand your current bee yard, package bees are a great way to go. Our packages come from Chile, the Santiago and Patagonia regions. These regions are one of the last few areas that are free of Varroa Mites. Bees are selected at the end of the honey flow, before they are packaged and shipped to us.

Once on the plane, the bees are monitored for things such as temperature, humidity and CO2 levels. Once they land, they are immediately watered and put in a ventilated cooler to rest. Once the bees are loaded on our trucks for delivery, we update customers about their journey on our website. Package bees are available from April to May.

Learn more about our unique easy shake system here: https://vimeo.com/377752458

Starter Hives
Up next we have our starter hives, which will be available for pick in June in Edmonton only. These hives are great for any beginner beekeeper or for anyone looking to get a great start with their bees. 

The great thing about our starter hives is that we have already done all the work for you. We start these hives from our package bees. You will receive a deep super, bottom board, telescoping lid, and ten frames. The frames will contain your bees, brood, food and a few extra drawn out frames to make it easier for your bees. From there you can add extra boxes with frames on top for the honey flow or place it in your yard for pollination.

These hives are government inspected to make sure you’re getting quality product that can’t be beat.

To find out more about honey flow, go here: Honey Flow Tips

2022 Hawaiian Carniolan Queens

We have some special and amazing ladies coming to you straight from Hawaii. These mated Carniolan queens are excellent honey producers and are perfect for quick, early honey flows. Their population is self regulated depending on pollen and nectar availability.

We will have them available starting mid-April going all the way until the end of August. Both pick up and shipping is available.

So if you need to requeen, have a queen-less colony or just looking to split your hives this spring. We got you covered!

Wondering if you need to requeen? Read all about it here with Top 5 Signs that you need to requeen:  Is It Time To Requeen?

Not sure how to go about splitting your hives? Here’s a helpful link: Why do you need to split your hive?

Need Nucs? This year we will not be supplying nucs to our customers. Nucs are getting harder to come by, but you can check Kijiji or local beekeeping groups in your community for others selling nucs. We recommend you always get recommendations from others, ask about any disease treatments and how they establish them, and  if you are new to beekeeping take a mentor to pick up so they can help you inspect. Here is a a great tip sheet on purchasing bees.


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