In August, we are already planning for the fall and really the next beeekeeping season is beginning. By now, everyone has removed honey (if you had any this year!). A reminder for new beekeepers, you need to ensure to leave enough honey for the bees to overwinter. A two box hive may weigh around 100-150 lbs for overwintering right now (See how to weigh your hive).
It's also very important to be feeding. The feeding window can be very short as the temperatures drop. Make sure you are feeding by the first weekend in September. For fall feeding you need to use a 15 kg fall feeding pail. This feeds a large quantity of syrup. You will also need to provide a protein for the bees, this can be pollen patties as well as Hiveworld's brood powder (remember, bees need protein to rear brood). See our fall feeding guide.
In a two box, langstroth hive, your queen should be in the bottom box laying, and the top box should be full of the honey the bees need for winter stores. It’s important to give the queen enough room to lay eggs in the bottom box. This is called "setting the brood nest" for the fall. The eggs she lays now and into September will be the new bees that overwinter in the hive. These bees live longer and will take the hive through the winter. These will also be the same bees that rear brood in the spring time.
The more bees you have in the colony by the end of September, the larger your cluster will be for overwintering. As temperatures drop, the bees will cluster to keep the hive temperature constant. Having enough bees and brood for overwintering is important.
Fall Hive Management Reminders (watch more fall tips):
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Laura Saunders
September 17, 2021
I checked my hive yesterday and I found lots of honey,but I did not find any brood or eggs, is it possible to requeen now?