Other Forms of Revenue from Beekeeping

Make even more money from your beekeeping efforts

In addition to the obvious (and not-so-obvious) products that bees produce, there are also many services that a seasoned beekeeper can provide. Below are a few services that are common and relatively easy to do, but know that there are more options out there!

Pollination Services

Bring your bees to farms and orchards to pollinate crops throughout the season. Pollination can support agriculture with better crop yields.


Experienced beekeepers can offer their knowledge to new beekeepers by offering courses or private lessons and mentoring to help them throughout the season.

Bee Equipment

Are you handy with woodworking? If you can make boxes and frames for hives, you can sell them as a side business.


If you have a lot of hives, you can look at establishing and selling nucs in the spring in your area. Check local online beekeeping groups to see what your area is like for potential sales.